Kings Langley School Staff

Click on the links below to view the teaching staff and administrative support team.

Teaching and Non Teaching Staff

Teaching Staff Email Addresses 

The school SENCO is Mrs Sharp who can be contacted by email on

Senior Leadership Team

Mr D Fisher
Mrs R Jennings
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs D Bell
Deputy Head (School Manager)
Mr G Searle
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs L Sudbery
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs L Harris
Principal Assistant Headteacher
Mr J Shaw
Principal Assistant Headteacher
Mrs A Sharp
Principal Assistant Headteacher
Mrs S Butt
Principal Assistant Headteacher
Mr J Tubb
Principal Assistant Headteacher

Key Stage 3

Mr A Bilton
Pastoral Leader Year 7
Mr S Langston
Pastoral Leader Year 8
Ms D Shannon
Pastoral Leader Year 9
Mrs C Douglas
Learning Mentor
Miss A Price
Learning Mentor

Key Stage 4

Mrs R Rennick
Pastoral Leader Year 11
Mr A Still
Pastoral Leader Year 10

Key Stage 5

Mr J Tubb
Key Stage 5 Leader
Mrs V Battaglia
Key Stage 5 Pastoral Leader
Mr J Scott
Key Stage 5 Curriculum Leader

Student and Family Support

Mrs A Sharp
Miss L Reeve
Deputy Senco
Mrs A Farrance
School Counsellor
Mrs V Johnston
School Counsellor
Mrs G Howard
Individual Student Needs Officer
Miss J Sanford
SEND Family Support Worker