Glossary of SEND Terms

ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder 

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 

ASC - Autistic Spectrum Condition 

ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder 

BSL - British Sign Language

CAF - Common Assessment Framework/Form 

CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service 

CAT - Communication and Autism Team 

CCG - Clinical Commissioning Group 

CCP - Consultant Community Paediatrician

CDC - Child Development Centre 

C&L- Cognition and Learning 

CLA - Child who is Looked After   

CP - Child Protection 

CYP - Child and young person

DBS - Disclosure and Barring Service 

DfE - Department for Education 

DLA - Disability Living Allowance

EAL- English as an Additional Language  

EHCP - Education Health and Care Plan 

EPS - Educational Psychology Service 

HI- Hearing Impairment 

HLTA - Higher Level Teaching Assistant 

INSET - In-Service Education and Training

LP - Learning Plan 

LO - Local Offer

MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulties 

MSI - Multiple Sensory Impairment

Ofsted - Office for Standards in Education 

OT - Occupational Therapy

PSP - Pastoral Support Plan 

PD - Physical Difficulty 

PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty

SALT - Speech and Language Therapist or Therapy 

SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 

SENCo - Special Educational Needs Coordinator 

SENDIASS - Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service (independent service) 

SC - Social Care 

SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health  

SFA - Schools Funding Agency 

SLCN - Speech, Language and Communication Needs 

SLD - Severe Learning Difficulties 

SLT - Senior Leadership Team 

S&PN - Sensory and/or Physical Needs 

SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulty

TA - Teaching Assistant 

TAC - Team around the Child

TOC - Time Out Card 

TYS - Targeted Youth Support

VI - Visual Impairment 

YP - Young People